My video game consists of many entities, those have to be represetend, stored and easily manipulated through my Zig code. Since Zig does not support Object Oriented Programming I store all the data in structs
and simple functions to manipulate my entities.
Even though some of my entites are a bit more complex than others because they include things like inheritance, the basic entity in my project look something like this.
const std = @import("std");
const sqlite = @import("sqlite");
// Make the whole file the Player struct
const Player = @This();
// Used to return to the user the ranking of the players without giving authentification informations
const Result = struct {
username: []const u8,
gold: i32,
// Fields of the Player struct
id: usize,
username: []const u8,
password: [32]u8,
session_id: [32]u8,
// Function to update the state of the Player in the database, common to most entities
pub fn persist(self: *Player, db: *sqlite.Db) !void {
const query =
\\UPDATE player SET username = ?, password = ?, session_id = ? WHERE id = ?
var stmt = try db.prepare(query);
defer stmt.deinit();
try stmt.exec(.{}, .{
.username = self.username,
.password = self.password,
.session_id = self.session_id,
.id = self.id,
// Return a Player object fetched by the database
pub fn initPlayerBySessionId(db: *sqlite.Db, allocator: std.mem.Allocator, s_id: []const u8) !*Player {
const query =
\\SELECT id, username, password, session_id FROM player WHERE session_id = ?
var stmt = try db.prepare(query);
defer stmt.deinit();
const row = try stmt.oneAlloc(Player, allocator, .{}, .{ .session_id = s_id });
const player: *Player = try allocator.create(Player);
if (row) |r| {
player.* = r;
} else {
return error.PlayerNotFoundInDb;
return player;
// Same as above but with different parameter
pub fn initPlayerById(db: *sqlite.Db, allocator: std.mem.Allocator, id: usize) !*Player {
const query =
\\SELECT id, username, password, session_id FROM player WHERE id = ?
var stmt = try db.prepare(query);
defer stmt.deinit();
const row = try stmt.oneAlloc(Player, allocator, .{}, .{ .id = id });
const player: *Player = try allocator.create(Player);
if (row) |r| {
player.* = r;
return player;
// Function on the entity that is going to be called in files like game.zig where the basic logic of the game is, this is done to avoid having SQL queries in the main logic file of the server
pub fn ranking(db: *sqlite.Db, allocator: std.mem.Allocator) ![]Result {
const query =
\\ select username, villages.gold from player
\\ inner join villages on villages.player_id = player.id
\\ order by villages.gold desc;
var stmt = try db.prepare(query);
defer stmt.deinit();
const players = try stmt.all(Result, allocator, .{}, .{});
return players;
Even though OOP is not supported in Zig, I can still pretty easily map my database representations into my Zig code. In order to see more complex situations like inheritance, you can check the Interfaces section of this documentation.