Graceful shutdown

Graceful shutdown

Since the function that starts the server and make it listen for incoming requests is blocking, I had to find a way to gracefully shutdown the server because I want to check for things like memory leaks, running time and everything else that might be necessary to gracefully shutdown the server.

    defer iNeedThisToExecute; // will not be executed when the process is killed
    try server.listen(); // Blocking call

In order to do that I implemented signals, to catch the SIGINT signal that is sent when you press CTRL+C in the terminal. Because the default behavior is simply to kill the process. To do that I wrote a sigaction that is going to modify the behavior of the SIGINT signal.

  var sa = std.posix.Sigaction{
      .handler = .{
          .handler = &signal_handler,
      .mask = std.posix.empty_sigset,
      .flags = 0,
  try std.posix.sigaction(std.posix.SIG.INT, &sa, null);

  // Start server
  start_time = std.time.timestamp();

  try server.listen(); // Blocking call

Now the default behavior of the SIGINT signal is going to be replaced by the signal_handler function.

  // Working alternative to a defer in the main function
  fn signal_handler(_: c_int) align(1) callconv(.C) void {
      std.debug.print("Received SIGINT\n", .{});
      std.debug.print("Server stopped after {d} seconds\n", .{std.time.timestamp() - start_time});
      //    const deinit_status = gpa.deinit();
      //    if (deinit_status == .leak) {
      //        std.debug.print("Memory leak detected\n", .{});
      //    } else {
      //        std.debug.print("Memory freed correctly\n", .{});
      //    }
      std.process.exit(0); // important in order to kill all the pollings threads

Note that here I commented all the memory leak detection because there currently are issues with the way the httpz framework handles the memory. I am currently in active discussions with the maintener of the framework to fix this issue. After that I should not have any memory leaks since most of the allocators I used are those provided by the framework.

To silence the memory leaks and have better performances I use the std.heap.page_allocator for the moment.